Will this be a Big Bang year?

Happy new year for all those folks (not) reading this blog!

I FEEL good today, the first day of the new year. Probably because I didn't drink last night and went to bed at a decent (10:30pm) time! Thought it appropriate to start the new year not feeling shite like most other years, and most other people!

So, what are my new year's resolutions, you ask? I don't have any actually. No resolutions. Just a promise to make a conscious effort to do some things differently.

This is a big year for me. Or I would like to make it a big year for me. I'm turning 40.

I want to use this as an opportunity to re-evaluate what I want from my life, and where I would've liked to be when I was 40. I know, the cliched version of turning 40.

So here's some of the things I've thought of that I want to change.

1. I want to be fit when I turn 40. My version of fit of course. A realistic version of a better me.

2. I want to spend the first month doing 30 days of yoga - and from then onwards 5 days of yoga each week.

3. For the rest of the year I want to drink on only 2 days of the week. Any two days, but only 2 days. Weeks begin on Mondays.

4. I want to be more patient with my family. I want to spend more time being present and grateful for them.

5. I want to learn to forgive myself. Accept myself.

6. I want to spend the year learning 1 skill. My skill this year will be learning to use Adobe Illustrator. I've said I'm going to learn this for years now, I just need to get down and do it.

That's plenty.


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