You are Life.

I see you everywhere. 
In all forms.
In the formless. 

You are 
In the vastness of the night sky.
In the depths of the bluest ocean. 
The twinkle in the stars
The blinding power of the sun.

You are 
The blood coursing through my veins
The wilderness in my mind
The music that brings me to life
The beauty I cherish through my eyes 
The tears that warm my heart.

You are
The quivering blade of grass
The mist that hangs heavy in the chilly mountain air
The thundering rivers after a monsoon
The summer storm that batters my heart.

You are 
The majesty of the universe
And the fragility of life. 

You are 
My joy
The distance that keeps us apart.

You are 
the light that gives the gift of life
The darkness that envelopes it all.
Every new sunrise
and every grey cloud.

You are 
My dreams unfulfilled
The truth that grounds me to this moment.
Every breath of life in me.

You give me courage
To be bold, to be frail
To start again. 
To fail.

You walk beside me. 
Through the fallen autumn leaves
To my final sleep. 

You are 
My teacher, my best friend.

You are complete
Like this moment and every other.

I pause. I take a deep breath and
I slowly let you wash over me.

I see you. Everywhere. 
And here, I just want to stay. 


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