
Days come,
Days go.
Every day I carry my grief like a prize.
Your gift to me. 

I hold it close to my heart
As if it were a delicate vase
Studded with exquisite memories of you.
Precious. Ephemeral. Everlasting.

I nurture it.
This grief is the most beautiful thing I have ever felt. 
Real. Everlasting.

I am slowly coming undone
And tediously putting myself back together again.
Piece by piece.
I know I will never be the same.
The scars run deep. Everlasting.

When you left
Time stopped. She heaved a sigh.
And watched as everything froze to a halt
In my infinite scream. 

And then she started again.
But her pace is different now.
Unhurried. Deliberate. Everlasting.

There was once a Before.
Now only an After.
Forever After. Everlasting.

And as I step into this perfect moment
With awe and contentment,
Irreverence and gratitude,
I wish it to be Everlasting.

I know the connection we share
The love we feel
The magic we made
Is Everlasting.

You showed me that
How we move through this life matters
What we say reverberates
Living in the moment
Makes it Everlasting.

My only wish is 
That you were Everlasting.


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