The Road Home.

As I drive over the Bridge

I look over to the east.

I roll my windows down

The wind rushes through my veins

And I become one with sea and sky.


Time slows down 

Almost to a standstill.

This moment will last forever,

In my picture memory.

I know I am close now.

I take the second exit on the North Shore.

The Pacific Highway. The Ocean Road. 

Such a grand name.

Past the roundabout and the giant fig trees

The road curves up the hill. 

Tall buildings on the cliff peer down at me. 

They recognise me. 

My heart quickens. I love this familiarity.

This Road - I will never forget. 

I have seen it a thousand times.

On a sunny day, in the rain and the fog. 

I have driven it a countless times, 

In my mind, with you.

I take the narrow street up the hill. 

Cars parked on both sides

Leaving room for only me. 

I squeeze through. 

Only steps away from you now. 

I look over to the skyscrapers of the City. 

Always standing. Quietly. 

They give me my bearings. 

I send you a message. I’m here. 

You buzz me in. 

Three flights up. 

The rails feel cold on my hands. 

I smell that old musty carpet smell.

The windows in the stairwell are open.

A gentle breeze rushes in to welcome me back. 

I stop to take a breath. 

And make another picture memory.

An ordinary day, in an ordinary place.

So extraordinary.

I bound up the stairs. 

Only my toes touch the ground. 

I am almost flying. 

I feel uplifted by this place. 

Your front door is ajar. I step inside. 

You see me and say Hey 

And I know that

I am home. 


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