
A cold winter's day
The heavy grey sky hangs low to the ground
A blistery wind batters my face
I touch my cheeks with my hands, they feel numb. 

I push on, one stride follows the next
I love long walks on these cold days, 
As brutal as they may be.

I feel bone chillingly alive.

The tops of the eucalypts 
Dance in the wind
I think of you, no surprise. 
I always think of you when I feel alive. 

'Tis the season 
when you are nearer. 
A time to cherish,
To celebrate a life well lived
A life that was once so alive. 

I grow in your shadow
To appreciate life like you saw it
One moment at a time
Alive, full of promise. 

I begrudge you nothing
Though some days 
Pushing on is hard
Feeling alive is a distant dream
As my love for you drowns me. 

But sure enough
You reach down and give me your hand
We exchange glances
Speak without words
You pull me up
Bring me back to life. 

What is this life force that connects us?
I have never felt more alive 
Than when you stood by my side.

I awaken from my stupor 
And realise that I am still here,
And you are not. 

The howling wind
My memories of you
Tear through me at a million miles.
But my feet are firmly grounded in this moment
I know this is the only place 
I will ever find you. 

I push on, one stride follows the next
It sure is a challenge
Feeling alive,
When you are not. 

Tell me, what is it like to be dead?


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