Darling, I'm just not okay.

I walk into the cedars
wondering if I'll see you today.

The early morning fog feels thick
with my impenetrable thoughts.

The trees are quiet today.
They watch me as I walk over to you.

I walk down the winding path
To where we always meet.

I sit on the wet grass
It smells of a new day.

An old familiar smell.
I've been here before.

At first every day,
But now less often.

I close my eyes,
I take it all in.

Be here. Now.

Time stands still.
I think of only you.

We meet again.

I feel your love.
I always find you here.

Tears fill my face.
My breath is cold.

You quietly whisper to my soul.
Only I hear you.

The silence we share.
It's ours, together.

You are me, and I am you.
I know this all too well.

Here, I know I can let go.
Be with you, in your arms.

Just us. Me alone.

Let's hold hands.
Stay a while.

It doesn't last.

I hear footsteps in the forest.
And you are gone.

A tear runs down my neck.
Darling, I'm just not okay.


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