My place.

I hold on tight to this place inside me

Where the pain, the hurt, the sorrow live. 

Shaping the sands of my soul.

This place of grief, this is my place. 

It is the only pure place I know

Where we meet without seeing

where we speak without talking

Where we love without touching.

It is the beginning and the end.

Love never leaves here. 

I must travel to the deepest recesses

But I always find you here.

Unbroken. Untouched. 

We move through here skillfully

Like skaters on thin ice. 

Our extremities are cold

But our souls are on fire.

This place is as real as any. 

Here my pen flows

But I remain speechless. 

I come here to see through your eyes

Feel through your heart.

I come here often.

My veil of deception has come off

Only the universal truth lives here. 

In this stillness nothing stirs

Except my tears.

They glisten in your gaze. 

I am overwhelmed

Grief is the only real feeling I know

It tears me to pieces

And yet has been my faithful ally

This last year gone. 

My place is so deep

So dark

So quiet. 

It has a pull on me. It drags me under,

And yet it elevates me,

It breathes life into me.

Here I come in search of my deepest self.

The Source. 

The place that connects me to you.

In this place I trust.

If ever I come up for air

I only skim the surface.

The world looks alien, fake

Without you in it. 

I dive back under. 

I navigate through the darkness

But I know my way around.

There are gems to be found. 

What’s the hurry to leave this place

I have no where else to go

Nowhere better than here. 

You have given me a gift. 

You have given me my place. 


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